Online Art Critique Group First Saturday Oct., Nov., Dec., 10am - 12pm (Pacific Time)

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Online Art Critique Group First Saturday Oct., Nov., Dec., 10am - 12pm (Pacific Time)


Online Art Critique Group

First Saturday of each month

October 5

November 2

December 7

10am - 12pm (Pacific Time)

Classes are recorded and the recordings will be available for one month after the critique so you have time to review.

Online using Zoom. About 10 minutes before the session, I will send out the Zoom invite each month.

(For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.)

$115 for three sessions (3 months)

Maximum of 8 participants

Creating art is typically a solitary endeavor and artists have often formed critique groups to grow and learn from each other. A good critique group can be one of the best tools an artist can have to help build a solid practice. Critiques can help artists better understand how their work is communicating to a larger audience. Regular critiques also help to develop critical thinking and public speaking skills.

Attending a critique group on a regular basis helps artists be accountable, keep their work fresh and stay active in the art community. Perhaps the most beneficial thing about a critique group is that it builds a community of artists that are familiar with each other’s work, and often end up exhibiting work together and sharing resources. Learning about each others’ subjects, media and approaches helps each of us become better rounded and well-versed in the language of art beyond our own focus.

This Art Critique Group is for people who have explored media and techniques enough to want to start working on their own art pieces (instead of class projects).

Before each session, participants are invited to send in photos of their work-in-progress or completed art projects (in any medium). Work must be sent in at least two hours prior to a session.

Participants are encouraged to talk about their work, discuss ideas, give and get feedback, and share their creativity goals.

We will discuss ways to build creative habits and find our own voice, set goals, and how to show up regularly to get our artwork done.

There is a $35 cancellation fee.

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