May 23 Sketchbook Field Trip 1:30pm - 3:30pm (Pacific Time)

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May 23 Sketchbook Field Trip 1:30pm - 3:30pm (Pacific Time)


The May sketchbook field trip is Thursday May 23 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

We will sketch at the iconic Archie McPhee store located at 1300 N 45th St, Seattle, Washington

Archie McPhee has been supplying gifts and toys to Seattle since 1983. Located in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood, it’s a one stop shop for party supplies, crafts, costumes, miniatures and the weirdest collection of toys and candy that you’ve ever seen.

Widely considered to be a Mecca for connoisseurs of the strange and one of Seattle’s top ten weird destinations, it is truly an attraction without a parallel.

Learn how to get in the habit of sketching your world. Keeping a written and visual journal of one’s life is an enriching practice of self- expression. Some field trips will include lessons and demos and sometimes we will meet at a location and just dive into sketching. Each field trip ends with a “show & tell” session where we can all share our sketches.

All skill levels welcome.

For suggested art supplies, click here. You don’t need all the supplies listed here, or any of them. Feel free to bring your favorites or even just a blank book and a pencil!

When you click on my recommended supplies and books, the link will take you to As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases but the price from Amazon remains the same for you.

Once a month I schedule a sketchbook field trip. Email me to be placed on my “Sketchbook Club” list and each month I will email you the date, time and location for that month’s field trip. Registration is $20/field trip.

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